There are so many beautiful things that Spain has to offer. To amazing food, beautiful museums and to their fascinating culture. Fun fact: did you know that spain is a good place for feemale ontropurours. In Spain, 45% of the entrepreneurial population is already women. Spain is one of the most popular tourist destinations. Spanish is not the official language in Spain.Catalan and Basque would also be considered as the official language.
Paella Valenciana is one of the most famous dishes in spain. It is a traditional dish in Spain originated during the Moorish occupation of Spain. Churros are a very popular snack among espaniors. It is made from fried dough pastry, cut into sausage shapes and doused in sugar. They're a favorite at "fiestas", or street parties, when they're sold by roadside vendors. Dipping them in hot melted chocolate is pretty much the law.Espanior food is known to be spicy. So if you are planning to have a good meal make sure you have your glass of milk next to you.
Spaniards live life to the fullest. They tend to take their time, deliberately, to appreciate the world and people around them. Spain is famous around the world for Flamenco music and dance, bullfights, fantastic beaches, and lots of sunshine. But that not all they have. They have a very artistic culture. Toledo-based artists El Greco and Diego Velázquez were very popular painters who produced some wonderfully unflattering portraits of royalty. The decorative Lonja in Seville, Mudéjar buildings, Gothic cathedrals, castles, fantastic modernist monuments, and Gaudí's intricate sculptures in Barcelona. They are all representative of the culture of Spain. Music would also be a big part of their culture. The classical guitar was invented in Andalusia in the 1790s when a sixth string was added to the Moorish lute.Paco de Lucia is a well known flamenco guitarist.
If you're going to Spain you have to check out their amazing museums. The Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza is a very well known museum for its breathtaking art works. It is also one of the most EXPENSIVE art collections. Some artwork sold for as much as 350 million dollars. Museo del Prado is also another museum you have to see. It is made to show off the royal family's wealth. It was opened by King Charles III and opened 200 years ago.